  • Danish
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • English
Lehrer & Kurs
8 Lektion erledigt
Spricht auch
  • Chinesisch (Mandarin)
  • Englisch
  • Danish
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • English
Spricht auch
  • Chinesisch (Mandarin)
  • Englisch

A 32-year-old guy from Copenhagen, Denmark. Majored in Chinese studies; modern & classical Chinese language, culture and history. Besides China I: -Love learning foreign languages in general -Love reading books about history, science and philosophy. -Listen to Jazz, Classical and Hiphop music. -Have traveled to many countries in Europe and visited more than 30 cities/provinces in China, including the major ones such as Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. -Love nature.

Erfahrung mit Offline-Unterricht: 0

Erfahrung mit Online-Unterricht: 3

I have been an online tutor since 2018. I have great experience interacting with a lot of different people from various countries around the world. I know how to study foreign languages and can probably teach you how to learn a language more efficiently. I emphasize having natural, informal conversations about everyday topics or whatever you wish to talk about. I will mainly correct your mistakes if what you're saying is incoherent or unnatural. The goal of our conversations is first and foremost to get you to speak the language effortlessly, and not focus too much on mistakes. When learning languages one must, I believe, be willing to speak a lot and not be afraid of sounding silly or being laughed at. One must adopt the attitude of an infant that constantly, and fearlessly, imitates all the sounds it hears. Besides learning and teaching foreign languages, I have also worked as a martial arts instructor for many years.


Meet your teacher

Von: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

Von: Myngle Courses
Sprache: Persönliche Beratung
Niveau: Anfänger
Stunden: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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