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I am an experienced Youth and Children worker. I have functioned in that capacity for 28 years. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and a Diploma in Youth Work. I have also started a Master's degree in Child and Youth Studies. I am a volunteer worker with migrants to my country. That is where I get my experience as an ESL teacher. I have also taught at Sunday School for many years. I have a passion for youth development work and feel a sense of achievement when young people I work with develop to meet their life goals. I see teaching ESL as another way in which I can be involved in the development of others and would really appreciate the opportunity to do so. The exchange of culture in this type of work is also very enriching and something I'm very excited to experience.

Offline teaching experience: 28

Online teaching experience: 0

28 years teaching children and youth Remedial English and Social Life Skills 5 years lecturing at the Open Campus of The University Of The West Indies in Sociology and Methods of Social Research at the Certificate level Over two years teaching adults and children TEFL. The methodology used in youth work is very similar to that used in teaching ESL and so i have a lot of great experiences to bring to the ESL classroom. Lecturing at the Open Campus also gave great experience when teaching adults. I have been a volunteer ESL teacher with migrants to my country for over two years and I find it to be quite rewarding. I teach both adults and children there. I see this opportunity as one in which I continue to be involved in the development of people, a subject in which I have had a life long interest/


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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