  • Spanish (Central
  • South America)
Teacher & course
0 lessons done
Also Speaks
  • English
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish (Central
  • South America)
Also Speaks
  • English
  • Portuguese

I studied Linguistics and education. Also, i have many courses about teaching spanish as a foreign language. Nowadays i study a master in teaching spanish as a foreign language in UNIR. I like to create materials depending on students needs and i work with differents books and metohodology. I like to travel and know different cultures because through languages i can meet people and their cultures.

-Degree in Education and linguistics. -Specialization in teaching spanish as a foreing language by Instituto Cervantes

Offline teaching experience: 5

Online teaching experience: 1

I like to meet people from differents countries because they talk about their cultures, traditions, habits, movies, real news, hobbies and i like the cultural exchange that students and i have. In spanish lessons, we have a conversation time in group and private class. I teach depending on students needs and requirements. For exampe, grammar, vocabulary on real context, latinamerican expression,reading, pronunciation, writing and speaking, too. I like to prepare different kind of materials depending on students requirements and needs. Also, i work with many books of differents publishers for all levels A1-2, B1-2, C1-2.


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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