  • Arabic (Lebanese)
Teacher & course
0 lessons done
Also Speaks
  • Arabic (Lebanese)
  • English
  • French
  • Arabic (Lebanese)
Also Speaks
  • Arabic (Lebanese)
  • English
  • French

I love teaching and make a difference in someone’s life. Also I really like to help someone learn and build a strong language so it will be easier to communicate with others. Being a teacher is about teaching but also learning. Learning how to adjust my knowledge and transmit it to others in a way that will make them independent in the future. I enjoy reading a lot and love sports and try to find common things with the students to make them feel at ease while learning and be happy

Offline teaching experience: 2

Online teaching experience: 2

I have been giving private classes for more than 4 years in sociology, economics and languages like french and arabic. I taught adults and kids so it’s easy for me to adjust my teaching skills to adapt every student and help him achieve his best potential and learn fast. Moreover I am really fun in class and have a way to teach that makes it easier to learn especially for someone who doesn’t like learning. I also worked on projects with different classes and gave them classes in anthropology at my university so I can easily teach a class or individuals. This helped me master my writing skills in different languages especially english and french. Also I will mention that I traveled a lot for the past 10 years which allowed me to master my speaking skills in spanish, english and french. Arabic is my native language


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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