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  • English
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  • Spanish

One of my most cherished opportunities was my acceptance into the Disney College Program. Although working amongst the international crew members in Disney World was a learning experience in itself, I wanted to take it a step farther. I applied and was accepted into Disney’s Entertainment Professional Development weekly seminar and Disney’s Leadership 101 course. The irreplaceable skills I learned while working at Disney ignited my determination to continue pursuing a path of international exploration and even led to my newfound hobby of becoming a future polyglot. However, Disney was not my first taste into international relations. When I was in undergrad I studied abroad at the University of Roehampton in London, England. While I was there I had the opportunity to study under Oscar nominated and BAFTA award winning producer Michael Uwemedimo. I was also fortunate to travel to Morocco, Italy, Netherlands, Scotland, and Spain. My time in Spain was so impactful that I returned in December of 2019 until February 2020. In Valencia, I studied Spanish with the language school EuroAce and participated in a one week internship with the company Rebombori. My duties consisted of creating and developing workshops for elementary school children. The main activities we focused on included improv, theatre, social issues, and storytelling. In addition to pursuing a life of travel, teaching, and learning languages, I am in the pursuit of becoming a Dialects and Phonetics Instructor as well. I ultimately want to train professional actors on the subjects of accent and dialect work.

TEFL Certification via International TEFL Academy

Offline teaching experience: 1

Online teaching experience: 0

I knew I was going to become an EFL instructor, however it did not proceed the way I expected. In October of 2019, I was accepted into the Peace Corps. I would be teaching English as a foreign language in Kosovo from May 2020-2022. It was the opportunity and experience of a life time. And then, the pandemic started. Although my Peace Corps experience was terminated due to the events that unfolded in 2020, I continued to pursue a career as an EFL/ESL instructor. After completing my 150 hour training with International TEFL Academy, I immediately began searching for tutoring positions to fulfill my practicum hours. I was fortunate enough to observe at Roger Sherman Elementary School and began tutoring with Nevy’s Language. As of December 2020, I officially have my certification to teach English as a foreign language/second language and I’ve continued to volunteer with Nevy’s Language. While this is very exciting, I must acknowledge the opportunities of my past that have led me to such a fulfilling career path. One of my most cherished opportunities was my acceptance into the Disney College Program. Although working amongst the international crew members in Disney World was a learning experience in itself, I wanted to take it a step farther. I applied and was accepted into Disney’s Entertainment Professional Development weekly seminar and Disney’s Leadership 101 course. The irreplaceable skills I learned while working at Disney ignited my determination to pursue a path of language teaching and learning. I was finally able to experience language teaching and learning in Spain (January 2020). In Valencia, I studied Spanish (lower intermediate) with the language school EuroAce and participated in a one week internship with the company Rebombori. My duties consisted of creating and developing workshops for elementary school children. The main activities we focused on included improv, theatre, social issues, and storytelling. The experience was a reflection of my time teaching Playmaking with Children while I was still a student at Western Connecticut State University.


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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