  • Arabic (Standard)
  • English
  • Korean
Teacher & course
0 lessons done
Also Speaks
  • English
  • Korean
  • Arabic (Standard)
  • English
  • Korean
Also Speaks
  • English
  • Korean

Hello, My name is Hayat, an English graduate from Morocco. A native speaker of Arabic and I do speak English and Korean (Intermediate). Currently, am taking a computer science course. I have been teaching languages online for about 4 years, taught different languages to people from different age category - children to adults - And also, from beginner to advanced level. My teaching method could from a level to another. Mainly, with beginner I always to share my screen with the learners so can learn by showing everything they need to learn to able to read and write as well in the target language. For advanced level learner, usually they always try to improve their speaking skill so here we usually talk about different topics and write down the new vocabularies so they can use next time. I always like to give my students lesson with a fun and easy way. Hey you! I am looking forward to talking with you!

Offline teaching experience: 2

Online teaching experience: 4

Hello, My name is Hayat from Morocco, a native speaker of Arabic. I do speak English and Korean as well. I have been teaching online for about 4 years now. I have taught people from different parts of the world. Besides, my native language Arabic, I have also taught other languages such as: English and Korean. I really enjoy teaching, and I love learning languages as well! I know how difficult it is to learn a new language but if you love something and really interested in learning that specific language, I am sure you can do it. Learning languages could be challenging and sometimes struggling, I know! But, this is what all it’s about! It’s about your love to it and your passion. That’s what I do, I always like to motivate my students to keep on learning and not stop.


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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