  • French
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  • French
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My name is yacouba , I m native in French I would like to teach French for those in need , am in this profession of teaching for about just 2 years. Every time whenever I am going to teach a part of this noble profession .....I am learning also. I am trying consistently ....how to represent, interpret, summarize and rethink about the whole concept I wish to teach or rather inspire my students in a specific period

Offline teaching experience: 0

Online teaching experience: 2

While teaching, I feel good and happy when my students feel also good and happy because they learnt the key points of my lectures. When my students are not truly satisfied with the content of my teaching, I tell them that on the next classroom, I will explain to them what I have missed in the current lecture. I am not afraid of telling my students that there could be some occasions where I don't know. If the students are happy at the end of the day, so am I. If not happy, I must have missed something. I need to work harder to make them happy. While teaching, I am more a mentor and organizer of learning experiences and situations, such that my students actively understand, reinvent and reconstrcut everything they learn, than a simple transmitter of ready made and established truths imposed on them from outside. In other words, I avoid indoctrination and brainwashing


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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