  • English
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  • English
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  • English

Hi! Good day I am very passionate in my career. I want to learn and experience new things. I am flexible and punctual. I am also friendly and very approachable. On my free time I make sure that I would have time to my kids. I am playing with them and also I am cooking their favorite food. Since my job now is at home I can give them attention that they are needed. I am very thankful that this is the opportunity I am looking for. Thank you.


Offline teaching experience: 10

Online teaching experience: 1

Hi I am teaching kids and adults as one on one class for almost 10 years. I am teaching adult and kids as an esl teacher for almost a year. As an ESL teacher I am learning new things and culture of other countries. I can learn their language and their beliefs.I am so proud of my students when they are gaining high scores in our tests.There are times that my students are not focused but for me I am giving them time to play so that we can pursue on our lesson. Being flexible teacher is not that easy but if you will give your heart to your job and to your goal you were able to get the students' satisfaction. As an ESL teacher as of now I never get any complaints. They are leaving my class as happy as I am.It is my pleasure to serve and to fell them comfortable to me. Thank you.


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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