  • English
Teacher & course
0 lessons done
Also Speaks
  • English
  • English
Also Speaks
  • English

Hello students and parents! My name is Jarrett. I come from the United States, and have been teaching English for nearly ten years. Of course, in addition to my vast teaching experience, I am also 100% TEFL certified. One of my greatest joys in life is working closely with students to improve their English skills. With patience and determination, I know that you can have great success with your English studies! When I'm not teaching, you can find me hiking in the forest near my home, reading an interesting book, or traveling to a distant country. I can't wait to meet you in class so we can have fun learning English! See you soon!

Advanced TEFL Certification

Offline teaching experience: 10

Online teaching experience: 3

My extensive background in the educational field as a linguistic specialist has helped to hone impeccable written and oral, interpersonal skills. These skills, coupled with my years of traditional and virtual classroom experience, would be of great service in guaranteeing my success in this position. Over the past ten years, I have taught a student-base comprised of international students of countless origin. Abroad and domestically, teaching has proven a treasured gateway for meeting and collaborating with exceptionally wonderful people. I feel the classroom is a unique and special place. An honest space maintained by the bond of student and teacher, its very function is to act as a theater for exploration and growth. My teaching embodies a great respect for this important educational institution by encouraging students to expand their range of skill, while opening their minds to greater parameters of possibility. We enjoy a great deal of laughter in the classroom, too! Learning should be enjoyable, after all. The abundant experience I have as an educator ensures that I possess the organizational skills necessary to fulfill the duties of any potential assignment with an exceptional flair for client satisfaction. Finally, my personable but professional demeanor allows those around me to feel comfortable and confident.


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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