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  • English
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I am enthusiastic and dedicated teacher that assist her students in reaching their learning goals and dreams. I am energetic and a passionate teacher that loves to create different ways to make learning fun. My hobbies are painting, playing sport, reading, dancing and just being in the outdoors. I think of myself as patient, kind, caring, and a good listener. I have always wanted to be a teacher, although many people have dreams of becoming doctors and lawyers. I don't remember when I fell in love with teaching, but my passion for travelling and teaching has been growing over the years. I have started living this dream over the past 7 years always part time, and it gives me so much joy to know that that dream is about to be fulfilled. My dreams and aspirations have always been supported by my parents. According to them, working very hard and never giving up on them is the only way to achieve all your objectives. They never imposed themselves on us, demanding that any of their children be what they want us to be. Instead, they wanted me and my siblings to choose careers and a life that would give us stability and joy. Even though I consider myself an excellent teacher but there I always things that I can improve and learn more about I believe you can never have enough of an education. Other then being a better teacher, cooking is the thing that I want to learn. In the kitchen, the number of things I can do is limited. However, I realize that happiness and satisfaction are obtained from cooking while doing those things. Italian foods are one of the cuisines that I want to learn the right way. It's a cuisine I've begun to love, and knowing how to cook meals in the kitchen can make me happy. I am ambitious and outgoing. I am someone who holds professionalism in high regard and always thrives to deliver tasks in a timely manner. I like to think of myself as a people person and a giver of kindness and generosity to anyone who comes across me. Lastly being a teacher is what brings me the most joy.

Offline teaching experience: 5

Online teaching experience: 2

My name is Saajidah Rahman I am 22 years old and I live in South Africa. I have been teaching kids part time for almost 7 years. I have experience in teaching english, mathematics and science. I have worked with online institutions in South Africa as well as with face to face learning schools. I know a great deal about computers and like to consider myself well versed in teaching online. I have learnt different techniques on how to make learning fun and as interactive as possible. My aim is to assist my students in reaching their learning goals and encouraging them to pursue their dreams academically. I am cheerful, honest, reliable and work well with kids of all ages. I am not afraid to think out of the box when it comes to teaching methods even if it does take me out of my comfort zone.While teaching in South Africa I was tasked with many duties, I had to prepare lesson plans for each grade, teach, and get students to exercise by creating games and inspiring them to take on different sports like soccer and volleyball. I was best known for creating songs that assisted students in pronouncing words, therefore allowing them to speak clearer. I accompanied and chaperoned learners on different learning excursions. I have experience taking care of kids from the ages of 3 to 6, I would read story books and sing nursery rhymes to them, teach them the different colors and how to mix primary colors to get a wide range of other colors and how to color in the lines as well. This definitely tested my patience but in the end I came out a better teacher and conversationalist when it came to dealing with children. I. I also teach mathematics and science to kids from the ages of 6 to campus level. with regards to my smaller kids I start of by teaching them the basic fundamentals of understanding mathematics and as they get older I introduce concepts like how to add, subtract, multiply and divide as well concepts like BODMAS. I have experience teaching geometry, calculus, trigonometry, algebra and many other concepts to high school and campus students. With regards to science, I would do fun experiments in a controlled environment with all of my kids. for example I would teach my high level students about reactions that occur with different gases and concepts like forces, the atom, electricity and many other concepts. For my smaller kids I would teach them about clouds, rain the wonders of mother nature and science behind it. During my time as an ESL teacher has been most rewarding because it gave me pleasure in knowing that I prepared someone for the world. My students understood my teachings well because I prefer to teach using conversation and emphasizing describing words so that if one doesn't know how to say the name of a place they can always easily describe it by using adjectives that I vividly teach in my class. I teach when and how to use and pronounce, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, preposition, conjunctions and many other parts of speech. I utilize pictures when teaching my students, I believe by recognizing the picture and joining the English word with it will assist them in better remembering that specific word. I teach them to recognize the sound of specific words, hence assisting them in understanding the meaning of the word. By outlining my teaching methods it is show that I have vast experience in teaching a wide range subjects to a wide range of students. It shows that my experience will allow me adapt easily to any teaching situation.


Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses

Meet your teacher

By: Myngle Courses
Language: Personal consultation
Level: Basic
Lessons: 1
Your learning needs analysis session. This is a material that teachers can use for their first lesson, or introductory lesson to be acquainted with the student.
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