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Date   Teacher   Rating   Comment
Monday, November 14, 2016  
Audrey A
Audrey A
    Present tense with verbs ending by ER the student did it very well. she has to do the homework to continue with others verbs. next time speaking topic
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Friday, October 28, 2016  
Audrey A
Audrey A
    We did present tense A1.1 level, the student has understood very well , as usual she get it fast. Next time present tense with verbs eding by ER...and we can start by convrsation topics.
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Friday, October 21, 2016  
Audrey A
Audrey A
    topic Avoir et Etre,A1.1 The student has many facilities in learning Frencg. I asked her to talk about what she learned the last time, and she did it very well.
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Thursday, October 06, 2016  
Audrey A
Audrey A
    Topic What s your name _ The student is A1.1 level. She learnt how to present herself , where she live and how many languages she speaks. She has a good understanding and she did it very well !
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