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Date   Teacher   Rating   Comment
Thursday, November 19, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we examined the HAVE + SOMETHING + DONE structure. Nice work today, the tasks were handled well and you were able to make excellent examples of your own. I recommend doing the exercises I showed you to practice further. Next time we will continue with phrasal verbs as discussed.
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Thursday, November 12, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we began a look at phrasal verbs for relationships. Nice work today, the tasks were handled well and you were able to make excellent examples of your own. I recommend doing the exercises I showed you to practice further. Next time we will practice these phrasal verbs through conversation.
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Friday, November 06, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we went over the different types of phrasal verbs that exist. You did good work with some tricky material and showed an aptitude for it, I recommend spending some time doing additional speaking exercises to improve your ability to use them confidently.
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Friday, October 30, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we began an examination of phrasal verbs and how they differ from normal verbs. You made progress with the forms today and completed the assigned tasks accurately. I suggest doing the follow-up exercises I gave you to feel more confident with their usage. You're doing well, keep up the good work.
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Thursday, October 29, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we had a free conversation on pets and animals with the related vocabulary. Once again the vocabulary was well handled and you used the material competently during the practice. Continue practicing them in order to memorise how to use them.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we had a free conversation on the pandemic situation in Italy. You did good work with the speaking task today, our discussion was lively and your thoughts were expressed clearly with strong grammar support. Continue speaking when possible to make further progress.
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Friday, October 16, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we examined common dependent preposition mistakes made by Italian students. It was a lot of information to take in today but you were able to manage the material and make noticeable progress during the course of the lesson. I suggest doing the extra exercises that we spoke about.
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Thursday, October 15, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we worked on vocabulary related to communications. Good work, the vocabulary was well handled and you showed a good understanding of the material. Continue using these words to improve your confidence with them. Next time we will begin our look at dependent prepositions.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we completed our overview of the present perfect simple/continuous. Good work today, you handled the forms very well and made accurate examples of your own. I recommend doing the additional tasks I showed you to practice them further.
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Friday, October 09, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we completed our examination of the present perfect. Good work with the material today, it was well-handled and you showed a noticeable improvement on the pronunciation as the lesson went on. I suggest doing the additional tasks we spoke about to practice further.
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