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Thursday, October 08, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we examined present perfect simple. Good work today, you handled the forms very well and made accurate examples of your own. I recommend doing the additional tasks I showed you to practice them further. For the next lesson we will continue our look at present perfect.
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Wednesday, September 30, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we worked on a listening task with the related vocabulary. Good work with the material today, it was well-handled and you showed a noticeable improvement on the pronunciation as the lesson went on. I suggest doing the additional tasks we spoke about to practice further. Next time we will focus on Present Perfect.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we examined gradable/ungradable adjectives. You did good work with some tricky material and showed an aptitude for it, I recommend spending some time doing additional speaking exercises to improve your ability to use them confidently.
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Friday, September 25, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we completed the material that we were working on yesterday by making practice sentences and new examples. Nice work today, the tasks were handled well and you were able to make excellent examples of your own. I recommend doing the exercises I showed you to practice further.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2020  
    Thank you Maria. Keep up the good work! You are able to express yourself well and fluidly discuss various topics. You are a very positive student and you try hard to participate. You participate well and engage fluidly in your reading and interactions. I look forward to our next class.
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Friday, September 18, 2020  
Sebastian SE
Sebastian SE
    Today we discussed various study techniques and useful learning resources. It was a pleasure to meet you today, you handled the conversation well and our conversation was lively and fun. To improve further I recommend practicing when possible and doing the exercises we spoke about. Keep up the good work.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2019  
Abby Burgoyne
Abby Burgoyne
    Today we spoke about your long weekend planned for Tuscany for your husband's birthday. You explained your trip, what your plans are, etc. Have a great time!
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Wednesday, February 06, 2019  
Abby Burgoyne
Abby Burgoyne
    Great lesson Maria Grazia! We spoke about negotiating (BR B2 Unit 8 - Slide 8). We got off to a bit of a late start, but I am glad you were able to attend the lesson. Well done!
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Monday, January 21, 2019  
Abby Burgoyne
Abby Burgoyne
    Today, we continued BR B2 Unit 7 on Outsourcing and looked at the Key Expressions and did a role play. Great effort and participation Maria Grazia!
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Friday, January 18, 2019  
Abby Burgoyne
Abby Burgoyne
    It was great to see you again Maria Grazia! We started the new edition of BR (Unit 7 - Outsourcing) and had a nice discussion about the benefits and problems of outsourcing. Well done!
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